Tag: Cybersmart

Christmas animation

Our class have been working on creating Christmas animations using Google Slides. We have worked very hard to complete our animations. Here is Evan’s animation. He was the first to complete his animation and is very proud to share the story of Jesus’ birth.

Thinking for ourselves

Today we were learning to be observant when we see different media. We watched a video about a house hippo and thought about what we already know about hippos. We asked ourselves ” Did this make sense?”

Next we looked at different images and talked about why we thought they were real or fake. This photo tricked us. Do you think it is real or fake?

Leave your answer in the comments with your reason why.



Quality comments

Our challenge this term  is to comment on our buddy class or individual blogs every week this term. It is important to read the blog post first so we can write a comment that is specific and thoughtful.

We have been crafting our blog comments first using the word lists if we need them.  This enables us to check our comments make sense before we post.

Do you have a top tip for writing quality blog comments?

Future Footprints

What digital footprint would you be proud of in the future? This week we looked online for people in our community who have a positive digital footprint and have been  recognised for their efforts.

Everyone has a digital footprint not just celebrities and sports stars.

Next we imagined what digital footprint we would be proud for people to see if they Googled us in 10 or 20 years time.

What does your digital footprint say about you?

Today we learnt we can make an informed guess about someone by reading what they share online publicly. Anyone can see this information so we need to remember to share with integrity.

Be kind, be positive, be helpful.   Share content that you and your whānau will be proud of.

Show tika, pono and aroha.

Annamaria made an informed guess about Kiera based on what she has shared on her blog. More about today’s learning is on our class site here


A visitor from Poutama Class

We were excited to be able to welcome Miss Salton to Room 6. Miss Salton was farewelled from one of our Tuhi Mai Tuhi Atu buddy classes,  Poutama Class, a couple of weeks ago. She will be helping lots of classes in Levin with their Cybersmart learning.

We explored our Digital Footprint over 24 hours and recorded all the places we had visited online. We noticed how our digital footprint can grow very big very quickly. It is important to be kind, thoughtful and helpful online so we can create a positive digital footprint.

Sharing our first Screencasts

After practising creating our first screencast last week we were excited to share them on our edublogs.

We had to remember some important steps before publishing our posts  including:

  1. Sharing our screencast in Google Drive so it is visible to anyone looking at our blog
  2. Changing the display size so our video displays correctly

Mrs Grant created a screencast with these instructions on our class site too.

When our posts were published we used the widget in our class blog to visit the blogs of our class to check they were visible.

Click the images below to listen to some of our screencasts.

Learning how to Screencast

This week we used the screencast App on our Chromebooks for the first time. There was lots to think about so we started by reading a text we had written. This will help us focus on using our device and the screencast app confidently.  Also we can practise how we are speaking when we record our voice. When we listened to our recordings we noticed that our voices sound a lot different.

You can read more about this on our class site and see a helpful video too.